Family Resolution

Family Resolution

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I miss NJ...

OK So I don't miss New Jersey exactly.  I actually miss my amazing health insurance.  #ObamaCareSucks

I had my first meeting with an insurance agent this morning.  Like first ever in my life.  Shocker - we don't qualify for any subsidy because my and Dave's employer offers group coverage.  

"But it's cost is half a paycheck"  

"I understand and unfortunately the calculation only considers the cost of the employees coverage and since you both are  100% covered, you do not qualify for a subsidy for Faith"

My employer offers coverage that we could use for Faith and I, for the low cost of $300/month.  SOUNDS GREAT RIGHT!?!?!  Except that's the bronze plan with super duper deductibles ($4000) and coinsurance (40%).  Thankfully the agent actually explained those things to me since I'd actually NEVER encountered such a thing with NJDirect.  Hospitalizations were always covered 100% after the copay, bloodwork 100%, scripts $3.  I have literally never even known what our deductible was because it really never affected us, except her ambulance ride last year.

When I told the agent this, he knew we were from the Northeast and public sector, because apparently they are the only states with this luxury left.  And even though the guy knew he probably wasn't getting a sale from me, he still walked me through the differences between Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum...and after all of that conversation it seems our best option will end up with each of us on different plans.  Gold or Platinum for the kid, as her asthma usually causes a hospital visit, then follow-ups to tweak meds.  Dave and I are good with Bronze/Silver (ie whatever is free from our employers), and probably a health savings account.

This is one instance where I DO miss NJ.  I miss the simplicity of picking between two awesome options and knowing I don't need to keep a couple grand aside for emergency medical expenses...

Thank you ObamaCare for pulling our subsidy because "group coverage is offered" and for not considering the fact that it's offered at full-boat cost.  The whole thing is kind of a joke for families like us who have always worked to stay covered, even if it meant I worked the overnight at Wawa or the phones for Hilton when Dave wasn't offered affordable coverage or any at all...

If any of my private sector/non-NJ friends are looking for coverage, the agent showed me
This Website
It gives a really good breakdown to understand it all...

This was one of the few times I felt completely lost about the whole stupid process...but we're getting there.

In other news, Dave had his first experience picking the kidlet up via the "Car Riders Line"  He couldn't understand why it always took me so long.  I called him 20 minutes in to check on progress (and make sure he hadn't given anyone the finger) and heard "I've just breached the outer fence...this is *&^%$# ridiculous".  Welcome to my world my love!!!