Family Resolution

Family Resolution

Monday, April 7, 2014

So...that didn't take long.

Saturday morning, while I was working at my desk at home, I *thought* I heard Faith crying hysterical.  I put myself on break to see what was happening and Dave said "Pretty sure she broke her nose."  I panicked, thinking "must get her to hospital...I have 8 hours of sick time...but have 9 hours left...."  Dave talked me off the ledge, brought her to me and I saw a very puffy nose and eyes.  She ran into the sliding glass door at her friends house.  Thank GOD she didn't go through the very strong double paned sliding door or we'd have been in real trouble.  Dave said he'd take care of her, I should get back to work and we'd wait a few hours to see if she needed a doctor.

Thankfully, work had some technical issues which pulled me off the phones for a bit, allowing me to get myself together, calm down.

By the time I logged off at 9:30pm, she looked better.  

She said it hurt but she was ok.  Fast forward to Sunday, it looked HORRIBLE.  Her eyebrows weren't even because of the swelling.  Her nose looked crooked too.  So off to Trinity Medical Center we went.  

Trinity is a pretty nice hospital.  They have this thing called "immediate bedding" where you walk in and they take you RIGHT to a bed (It was like Kessler my NJ peopes).  We waited about an hour to see the pediatric NP to come down and he was amazing.  He gave her a full neuro and head trauma assessment and since she passed with flying colors we needed no imaging.  He explained everything to her, that her nose was certainly broken but her orbital was fine, despite the raccoon look on the one side.  Luckily she broke it straight on so she shouldn't need to see an ENT, provided nothing else hits her in the face while it heals.

Once that was situated, we had to wait for AAA to come get my keys out of my car.  (Yes I know).  Shout-out to my husband for getting us the "AAA Plus" plan which covers something like 6 lockouts a year.

All in all, the hospital staff was awesome.  From security, who helped watch for AAA while we were discharging, to the nurses, doc and registration.  

Poor kid headed to school this morning, mortified and asking if she can refuse to tell anyone what happened.  At first her teacher was nervous about her being in class and made us see the nurse.  Once we talked to the nurse and someone in the office, everyone agreed she could be in school, provided she skips recess and gym, and goes to nurse immediately if she has a headache, blurred vision, nosebleed, etc.  Good thing I didn't just drop her off. 

It doesn't look too terrible, but it's definitely startling.  And apparently it may get worse before better.

But hey, at least we made it 4 months here before meeting our friendly neighborhood ER staff.

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