Family Resolution

Family Resolution

Monday, January 27, 2014

Our new reality

After a busy week of homework, appointments, interview and job applications, we spent Saturday at Fort DeSoto Park.  For my Yankee's, beaches are at parks and fishing piers are called boardwalks.  Very confusing.  No beach tags...but you have to pay to enter/park.  $5 was worth the day.  An hour at the dog park to wear the pup down.  He met tons of other shepherds, a pair of mastiffs, a fat old grumpy beagle, and a bluetick coonhound who really wanted to get to know Mack better.

We saw one dog muzzled.  Her owner said she has so many siblings at home that she tries to dominate at the park too.  We might consider that for Tasha, as her fear aggression is a little too unpredictable for dog parks.  The kid and I are working with her, trying to walk her a bit each day to get her socialized some more so she can join us on our family outings.

After the dog park, we *thought* Mack would be tired and just chill on the dog beach.  Then he met Poppy.  Poppy, despite his name, is a 6 month old poodle pup who was off-leash and being chased by a nice older man.  Poppy was nipping Mack's feet and playing chase in the ocean for about 30 minutes until Mack finally gave up and walked away.  

I still can't believe I live here...

A great day.

Hopefully I can get some work going here soon.  Then we can start exploring places like Lego Land, Disney, Busch Gardens...

Friday, January 24, 2014

8 year old girls are NOT nice

After getting her shot before school today, I figured the Kidlet could go play as soon as she got home from school.  Chores be darned.  She went to J's to work on some math homework and play and returned pretty darn quickly.  "J threw me out of her house".  Ummm ok?  "I can't be her friend anymore because I am M's friend too and she said I had to pick and since M said I could be friends with everyone, I picked her so J said I couldn't be in her house anymore"

What in the WHAT??

This is the same child who had Kidlet asking me if she was supposed to wear panties with leggings because they show panty-lines.  I reminded her she is 8 years old and has no concerns about panty lines.  They make a fix for that and it doesn't come in child-sizes. (Odd fact though...Someone actually does make child size thongs...and its gross).  

God help me.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Shot Debacle is Solved TOO!!!!!

As annoying as it is for my friends to the north, I must share today's "Florida is SO much better than NJ" story:

In preparation to move, I had requested the kid's shot records from her pediatrician.  Dr. G's office gave me a shot sheet swearing she was missing her entire round of 4-year old shots.  Now I'm flighty, but I wouldn't miss this...nor would her school allow her in without her vaccines. 

Luckily the school is not full of idiots and they have her records.  We had everything we needed, squared away for first day of school except Florida wants kids to have 2 varicella shots instead of 1 (this further supports my thoughts that we shouldn't be vaccinating for chicken pox until child-bearing age if at all because we're all guessing at when a booster is needed...but what do I know...the kids gotta go to school).  After talking to insurance company ("We don't have providers in FL") and Walgreens ("We don't take NJ ins in FL but we do take NJ ins in NJ...otherwise $149") I finally called the county Health Department...fully expecting to be referred back to my insurance.


Do I need to bring income information? NOPE, Free for ALL KIDS REGARDLESS of income.

So I figure this is like once a month...5 year waiting list because this is AMAZING...oh no, 5 days a week, just come on in.  "Bring a birth certificate and shot list if you have it, if not we'll research it."

I was literally on the verge of spending our grocery money on a $149 vaccine so she could stay in school...and now we just walk in.  Now THAT is how you keep kids healthy and schools compliant.  Are you paying attention Dr. G and you're lazy office staff????

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sunburn and January

So I supposed there are worse things that could happen in January.  Slipping on ice.  Being snowed in on a highway.  Losing power in 9 degrees. I, instead got sunburn.  On my forehead (or I haven't heard that joke 73 times).  And then the itching started.  Not sunburn itching but the hives itching.  


I didn't expect my allergic reaction to the sun to go away.  I just didn't expect it to happen in January.  #FloridaProblems #NotTryingToGloat #CasperGotProblems

And so now I go back to researching a plan my dermatologist wanted me to try a few years ago.  I refused then because 1. It's not hard to avoid the sun in NJ and 2. Not a fan of tanning beds.  But I'm going to try her slow-exposure plan, minus the tanning beds, to see if I can eventually go to the beach without long-sleeves, umbrellas and SPF 100.

We shall see...

In other weird news, I just did a recorded interview with an app on my kid's iPad.  The app is called HireVue and it's pretty awesome.  It's possible this kind of interview made me more nervous than a face to face live one.  I had 30 seconds to read a question and 3 minutes to record my answer (no do-overs).  I think I did alright, but we will see...

And just because...

THIS is how I got sunburned:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

This kid can run...

The kidlet had her very first Fun Run today, courtesy of the crowd at #Boosterthon.  It was pretty stinkin cute.  The setup was unlike anything I'd expected:
Between the team at the school the past week and a half, the prizes and the setup, the kids were SUPER excited for the run.  There were a few children who seemed pretty uninterested.  It reminded me of the pit I got in my stomach every time it was fit-testing time.  I wasn't overweight as a kid but was not comfortable in my skin and hated running.  I saw that in a few kids.  "Please God don't let them single me out....please just let them let me walk".  And those kids did walk, with teachers and friends holding their hands and cheering them on each lap.

These kids did 35 laps.  The race track was smaller than I imagined but worked to keep the kids motivated.  Every child I saw had 35 laps marked off on their shoulder bags by the end.  The kidlet had a great time, though sweaty and tired by the end of the 2 miles!

I was so lucky to be able to be there for her.  Maybe a dozen parents were there.  I did my best to cheer on all the kids, slap their high fives, etc without being that creepy parent (everyone knows what I mean).

Really starting to feel at home here.  Now I need to find a job...Maybe I can work with Boosterthon.  Those guys literally run around, sing and dance all day.  Jelly.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Traumatized...but it's over

There is something so traumatic about having your possessions held hostage.  Things that may not be worth much to others.  Blankets people hand knit for your children.  Your daughters stuffed moose piggy bank from Alaska.  Your mismatched silverware someone gave you years ago.  Binders of projects, certificates, plans that you, your spouse or child created over the years.  Your second hand couch, ottoman that matches the only comfy chair you own.  And your child's 21in old school tube TV. 

Last week, our movers told us we owed them more money, and when they arrived to unload (after we waited TEN DAYS) they said it was cash only.  I don't know about you, but we don't typically have a thousand dollars just lying around the house.  As I ran around, trying to figure out if they could do this, scrambling to get this cash for them, I came home with the cash to find they'd left...with half our stuff. 

After hours of trying to get in touch with them, the broker, anyone who would listen, we called the only people we could think of...the police.  After explaining the situation to the dispatcher, an officer arrived and asked us to explain it again.  He stated it technically was a civil matter until we documented attempts to resolve the situation and they refused.  He also shared that he'd gone through the very same thing when moving here from the US Virgin Islands.  His stuff was held for TWO MONTHS!!!  He said he wore the same 4 outfits, got a microwave and dishes from Goodwill and waited...because what else can you do??

The driver called the next day and said he'd be bringing our stuff if we had his money.  The broker had told us earlier, we had the right to ask for documentation on the additional charges, but at this point, we realized it wouldn't matter.  Several hours later, our stuff arrived on a different truck with different drivers.  The kidlet stopped being a weepy mess.  The husband and I stopped scowling at each other.  Even the dogs seemed calmer.  Hubby and I want to sue the pants off these people...but would that do anything except keep us angry??

I think I finally understand the moving industry.

First, you have the good companies who move executives and military families, but only if they can pay the big bucks.  You get your things into one truck, and within a week, out of the very same truck.

Then you have what my mom has coined "moving pirates".  They have your stuff and they only live by the moving pirates code of "Pay what I say or I'm keeping your shit".  They swap your stuff several times throughout it's trip, passing it off to the cheapest person of the day and they don't have to show you anything because if you want your things, you'll pay what they say.

As I told my husband last night, we are NOT moving again until it is into THE big house of our dreams.  I'm done.  This house is beautiful with our things in it and while I'd like a third bedroom, house guests will have to settle for a futon or air mattress.  It's still cheaper than the Marriott. 

It's finally time to enjoy this new life!!!

And now your gift for reading:  The Kidlet reading to therapy pups...really was therapy for her and the dog!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

We're at Yoga

So after years of making fun of my hipster friends for doing Yoga during their lunch break, my kidlet saw "Free Fun Yoga" at our local library and BEGGED to do it.  Of course she asked after telling me about her first day of school being a mess because she spilled orange juice in her hair and on her pants during lunch.

Obviously I can't say no to the face of a child traumatized by sticky hair and what looks like pee-pants. 

So here I sit at the library, job-hunting and trying to think of witty things to blog about while she does Yoga.

In other news, the school has started pumping families for money on our very first day!  Here is my shameless plug...follow the link below to give Faith a pledge.  She's hoping to run two miles, which is 32 don't pledge all crazy like.  Remember, she ran a 5K last summer.

Pledge Money Here

And our final Super Awesome Re-Lo update...If my furniture isn't home by Friday morning, I'm going to report it stolen.  At this point its the only logical end to a completely ILLOGICAL situation.  I wish I had more energy to be angry...but then again my family doesn't deserve any more frustration brought on by the IDIOTS of Light Express VanLines of Union County...instead I will get my furniture and then blast them all over the law-abiding friends say it's only slander and libel if it's not true!

*PRAY my furniture comes soon or this blog is going to totally suck!*

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

First Day of School and Other Re-lo Woes

Dropped the kidlet off to her first day of school in Florida.  As a Jersey Girl, she needed to make sure her outfit was hip without looking like she tried to hard...
Of course no buses at this "A+ School" because everyone wants to be there and therefor will have no problem driving their little princes and princesses.  So I had my first experience with "The Car Loop".  The car loop comes with many rules...2 typewritten pages to be exact.  Along with a map, 5 crossing guards to enter and a sheriff's officer to oversee.  As we pulled up we heard someone speaking over a loudspeaker.  But it was 31 degrees out (coldest day in like 7 years...go figure).  I cracked the window to hear someone's car was being towed (@#$%) and the next announcement threw both the kidlet and I for a loop:
"Students and teachers, if you see someone without the appropriate winter coat, please contact the clinic for outerwear for the student"
Oh that's's Florida, these poor kids don't get a new parka around Halloween every year.  I felt horrible.  We had tons of winter coats at our old house that we eventually donated.  We only brought 1 here. 
I asked the woman opening my car door (because "the child will NOT exit the vehicle until a staff member opens the vehicle door") if they need heavy hooded sweatshirts, because we literally have dozens.  She said a few teachers had hit up a store this morning and bought a dozen coats and they should be ok.

I totally wouldn't have thought of that....

And the irony is not lost on me that since we've re-lo'ed (as the locals from somewhere else call it) we have had exactly 2 days with no monsoon and no frigid temps...10 days, 2 nice.  Well played mother nature.

Finally, we're fairly certain our furniture and things will be here Thursday...only 10 days late.  Pray everything gets here in one piece or I will be having my first contact with the Sheriff's Dept, probably getting arrested for assaulting a giant man.