Family Resolution

Family Resolution

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Shot Debacle is Solved TOO!!!!!

As annoying as it is for my friends to the north, I must share today's "Florida is SO much better than NJ" story:

In preparation to move, I had requested the kid's shot records from her pediatrician.  Dr. G's office gave me a shot sheet swearing she was missing her entire round of 4-year old shots.  Now I'm flighty, but I wouldn't miss this...nor would her school allow her in without her vaccines. 

Luckily the school is not full of idiots and they have her records.  We had everything we needed, squared away for first day of school except Florida wants kids to have 2 varicella shots instead of 1 (this further supports my thoughts that we shouldn't be vaccinating for chicken pox until child-bearing age if at all because we're all guessing at when a booster is needed...but what do I know...the kids gotta go to school).  After talking to insurance company ("We don't have providers in FL") and Walgreens ("We don't take NJ ins in FL but we do take NJ ins in NJ...otherwise $149") I finally called the county Health Department...fully expecting to be referred back to my insurance.


Do I need to bring income information? NOPE, Free for ALL KIDS REGARDLESS of income.

So I figure this is like once a month...5 year waiting list because this is AMAZING...oh no, 5 days a week, just come on in.  "Bring a birth certificate and shot list if you have it, if not we'll research it."

I was literally on the verge of spending our grocery money on a $149 vaccine so she could stay in school...and now we just walk in.  Now THAT is how you keep kids healthy and schools compliant.  Are you paying attention Dr. G and you're lazy office staff????

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