Family Resolution

Family Resolution

Monday, January 13, 2014

Traumatized...but it's over

There is something so traumatic about having your possessions held hostage.  Things that may not be worth much to others.  Blankets people hand knit for your children.  Your daughters stuffed moose piggy bank from Alaska.  Your mismatched silverware someone gave you years ago.  Binders of projects, certificates, plans that you, your spouse or child created over the years.  Your second hand couch, ottoman that matches the only comfy chair you own.  And your child's 21in old school tube TV. 

Last week, our movers told us we owed them more money, and when they arrived to unload (after we waited TEN DAYS) they said it was cash only.  I don't know about you, but we don't typically have a thousand dollars just lying around the house.  As I ran around, trying to figure out if they could do this, scrambling to get this cash for them, I came home with the cash to find they'd left...with half our stuff. 

After hours of trying to get in touch with them, the broker, anyone who would listen, we called the only people we could think of...the police.  After explaining the situation to the dispatcher, an officer arrived and asked us to explain it again.  He stated it technically was a civil matter until we documented attempts to resolve the situation and they refused.  He also shared that he'd gone through the very same thing when moving here from the US Virgin Islands.  His stuff was held for TWO MONTHS!!!  He said he wore the same 4 outfits, got a microwave and dishes from Goodwill and waited...because what else can you do??

The driver called the next day and said he'd be bringing our stuff if we had his money.  The broker had told us earlier, we had the right to ask for documentation on the additional charges, but at this point, we realized it wouldn't matter.  Several hours later, our stuff arrived on a different truck with different drivers.  The kidlet stopped being a weepy mess.  The husband and I stopped scowling at each other.  Even the dogs seemed calmer.  Hubby and I want to sue the pants off these people...but would that do anything except keep us angry??

I think I finally understand the moving industry.

First, you have the good companies who move executives and military families, but only if they can pay the big bucks.  You get your things into one truck, and within a week, out of the very same truck.

Then you have what my mom has coined "moving pirates".  They have your stuff and they only live by the moving pirates code of "Pay what I say or I'm keeping your shit".  They swap your stuff several times throughout it's trip, passing it off to the cheapest person of the day and they don't have to show you anything because if you want your things, you'll pay what they say.

As I told my husband last night, we are NOT moving again until it is into THE big house of our dreams.  I'm done.  This house is beautiful with our things in it and while I'd like a third bedroom, house guests will have to settle for a futon or air mattress.  It's still cheaper than the Marriott. 

It's finally time to enjoy this new life!!!

And now your gift for reading:  The Kidlet reading to therapy pups...really was therapy for her and the dog!

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