Family Resolution

Family Resolution

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Seriously....we just want to see Mimi.

We just want to get to Fort Lauderdale.

We got to Tampa airport super early for our 0830 flight to Fort Laudedale. All excited, ready to go.  Except when we checked in it said "cancelled, please see agent".
When we got to the desk, the nice woman said "I'm sorry but your flight is cancelled." Ok. Options?? "We have shuttles leaving at 830, or we can refund, or we can rebook for Monday...wait she's not flying alone right", looking at Faith, suddenly panicked.  No ma'am. I will not be sending my 8 year old on a 4 hour bus trip with strangers.

Ugh, and considering this child has been looking forward to this trip for weeks and I'm booked to return tomorrow...looks like we're going for a ride.  I snuck over to the Southwest desk and they very quickly said they were already booked.  I looked at the Silver desk (no clue who that is but they were going to ft lauderdale too) and there were already a few angry people over I signed their little bus trip sheet and sucked it up.

Faith and I enjoyed some $12 airport Burger King breakfast. I tried to score us a meal voucher since I was now stuck with Spirit for 5 hours instead of 1 but the manager was too busy to speak to me.  After another $5 in airport water bottles, we finally loaded our shuttle van. I should say one positive thing, Faith sat next to another little girl and they played babies and animals.  Thank god for small favors.

We finally got into Fort Lauderdale airport at 1:15pm. Mimi picked us right up, fed us and got us right on to the boat for our scheduled play and fishing trip. A short fishing trip yielded a half dozen pretty unknown fish and about 3 massive big boys who were just too big for our lines.  Faith fought one for nearly 10 minutes before we lost it.

We came back in to have dinner at the Beachcomber, right across the street from Mimi's condo.  The place was gorgeous, the food and ambiance amazing...although the meal took about 2+hours.  After 4 hours in a van, I was pretty much done.  After an awesome desert of deep fried banana cheesecake and apple turnover, I practically begged for us to go back to the condo.  Saturday night.  Happening place.  But we were exhausted.

I'm so grateful that Faith can stay until Tuesday night. She needed this time. I did too, but she really did.

I'm scheduled to go home tomorrow night.  Pray they don't cancel because I have my first day of work about 10hours after my flights arrival...

#wetookthelongway #missedmymommy #wheresmyhusband

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