Family Resolution

Family Resolution

Monday, February 10, 2014

So begins the church hunt

The child and I tried out a church this weekend.  It's something I've put off doing in the last 6 weeks we've been here because I didn't care for organized religion until I found Shore Fellowship.  As a child I went to CCD and completed my sacraments but I really didn't get it.  And my experiences in church services made me feel like I didn't want to 'get it'.  

However, when I found Shore Fellowship, it was different.  I didn't feel that constant push towards political statements.  I didn't feel like I wasn't wearing the right clothes to walk in the doors.  I didn't feel like people were all looking around to see who was going to walk in late, or with the loud child, or maybe in their work clothes because the just finished their shift.  It was very "come as you are and we're so glad you're here".

Which brings me to Sunday.  We picked this church because it was mega-looking, which typically means there are super engaging kids programs.  My thought is if the kid enjoys church, she'll want to go and that is important to me.  So once I got her situated at the appropriate time, I went into the main worship center to hunt down caffeine.  I found in a beautiful little balcony style cafe, overlooking the worship area.  Awesome.  So I sat with my drink and listened to the worship band sing and play....looking at my watch...20 minutes.  30 minutes. 40 minutes.  Now, I DO enjoy Christian music.  It gets my head and my heart right.  However, after nearly an hour of it, I was done.  

Finally, we're all ready...opening prayer begins with joining hands.  My anxiety level keeps on jumping.  Then walk around and say good morning and shake hands and hugs/kisses.  I was on the verge of hyperventilating.  I'm not a jerk...I just don't like touching strangers or them touching me.  

Then baby dedications.  When the pastor began speaking about each child and praying over them, I thought how nice.  Until he started praying that these children never encounter a liberal person or liberal ideas.  Oh and these children are proof that life begins at conception.  Talk about uncomfortable.  I was brought right back to my issues with my old Catholic church, that a pastor or priest shouldn't just make a statement and call it proof and all should follow along.

How about tolerance, love and all that other Jesus stuff???  I mean seriously?  

By the time he really got into preaching, I was so frustrated and uncomfortable...and then his sermon was about investigating church members being wolves in sheeps clothing and yadda yadda yadda.  I packed it up and sat outside in the sun to wait for the kidlet to be done...

I was absolutely correct about the kids program being huge and happy.  With a rock climbing wall, full kiddie rock band, and friendly support, it worked for Faith.  She had a blast and wants to go back.  It was so hard to explain to her that I can't take her to a church that spouts political statements about fending off a liberal society.  Once I broke it down, 8 year old style, she did get it.  We want to belong to a church that preaches love and tolerance....and doesn't take 2 hours (that makes me sound like an ass...I know).

So...I guess it's back to the drawing board.  

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