Family Resolution

Family Resolution

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Warning - Tears ahead

This morning, Faith and I were going over her valentines to make sure she didn't miss anyone, when she asked if she could make something special for a boy.  " you have a crush on this boy?"  

"No mommy...he has leukemia cancer and hasn't been to school in a couple weeks.  I feel bad because he can't have friends over or swim in the pool or come to school or go ride his bike.  He's gotta sit in the hospital or his house.  I mean, I know he'll be fine in a couple months but I just want to give him something special."

The part that made me get emotional, MORE than her wanting to do something nice, was the fact that she knows he'll be fine in a while but it's probably hard now.  Whether or not that happens, she sees cancer so differently than I used to.  She's watched her aunt fight, be 'a little' sick, not be able to hug for a bit and miss some things....but "Aunt was fine he'll be fine, he'll just be a little sick like her."

Well, it was more than 'a little sick' but the thought that that is what Faith remembers and just mind-blowing.  

Cancer meant something so different to me when I was young...but for her, all she sees is a crappy time, followed by some so-so time, and then back to normal.  Apparently her Aunt made that look easy.  

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