Family Resolution

Family Resolution

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Things Sue taught me

In honor of losing a dear member of THRS, I feel the need to share things Sue taught me.
Many moons ago, when I got the idea of minors working rescue (think 1999) not only did I have to work with the townships attorneys, committee members,  insurance people, human resources, and voters....I also had to sell the squad members on the junior program, since they were the ones absorbing the responsibility of keeping us alive.  After jumping thru a million hoops (at the age of 16) I was faced with the squadies, and told "if you sell them, it's a done deal".

I met with most privately so we could hash out their real thoughts.  My conversation with Sue was pretty clear...
"Are you going to date cops??"  Um...we'll I'm 16 so I'm guessing no, that's sort of creepy (we laugh at this now)
"Will you listen to me when I hold you back?"  Not happily...but yes.
"What are you bringing to the table?"  We'll...we'll carry all the heavy stuff, listen, do paperwork...and we can't drive.

It seemed like a simple deal, but what I really learned from Sue, non-squadies won't get.  For instance, one day, someone was working to fix a garage door...they got tangled in the door pulley and basically were almost strangled in front of me and 2 others while we panicked. After the situation, there was a huge screaming match....and while I wasn't involved, I cried because adults yelling was so scary to me.   A week later, Sue pulled me aside, reminded me "it's done, were family here kiddo....I love him so much and was angry he thought we didn't care....but we've yelled and screamed and were over let's move on"
That was a true sign of unconditional love.

A few years later, the tropicana collapse happened.  I was there and offered to go with her. She said "baby girl, I just don't have it in me after 9/11....if you NEED me, I'll go....but I'd rather stay and support you in any way" I grabbed a partner and we were gone 12 hours.
And she did support us. She called me 3 days in a row, afterwards to check on me.

Sue taught me unconditional love among this family.
She taught me to cry outside your patients house.
She taught me how to humbly say "you're welcome" when a patient came to thank me.
She taught me how to accept criticism from our elders when we weren't exactly right.
She also taught me how to stand up to someone when we were right.
She taught me how to stay safe.
And she loved me and every other junior, when everyone else saw us as a pain in the ass....she let us on her truck, let us carry those bags and let us treat critical patients, giving us confidence.

I learned a lot from Sue as an EMT, but I really feel like I learned so much more from her as a person.

Tell me what you learned from Sue.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Awesome day

Last week was pretty rough for the Paloff family.  Hearing a dear friend had lost her battle with cancer and knowing we wouldn't be able to get up to NJ to be there with our friends and EMS family, we were both pretty bummed, grumpy and just  generally miserable.  

Dave knew his sister and her family were coming down for an Easter Disney trip, their first ever.  So Dave worked out a little plan with his sister to surprise the girls.

We started Sunday with an early mass at 8:30 at a local Catholic Church.  All three of us really enjoyed it.  It was an odd blend of contemporary music and traditional mass mixed with a really relatable homily.  Just a great Easter service.

After a little breakfast and hot tub action, we got the kid ready for dinner and told her we had a 90 minute ride to dinner.  This kid had no question about driving an hour and a half for a meal.  When we finally got there and Isabella and Katrina walked into the restaurant the little girls instantly started shrieking and crying and Katrina just stood speechless.  It was such a sweet emotional moment for kids.  OK it's possible all four adults teared up too...

Easter 2014 - Kissimmee, FL

These girls hadn't seen each other in 5 months!

While the girls were sad to leave each other, their smiles were worth the few tears when we left.  Thanks to Andi and June for sharing a few hours of your family vacation with us.  We were so grateful!

Next up, David and EJ and Joey!

Monday, April 7, 2014

So...that didn't take long.

Saturday morning, while I was working at my desk at home, I *thought* I heard Faith crying hysterical.  I put myself on break to see what was happening and Dave said "Pretty sure she broke her nose."  I panicked, thinking "must get her to hospital...I have 8 hours of sick time...but have 9 hours left...."  Dave talked me off the ledge, brought her to me and I saw a very puffy nose and eyes.  She ran into the sliding glass door at her friends house.  Thank GOD she didn't go through the very strong double paned sliding door or we'd have been in real trouble.  Dave said he'd take care of her, I should get back to work and we'd wait a few hours to see if she needed a doctor.

Thankfully, work had some technical issues which pulled me off the phones for a bit, allowing me to get myself together, calm down.

By the time I logged off at 9:30pm, she looked better.  

She said it hurt but she was ok.  Fast forward to Sunday, it looked HORRIBLE.  Her eyebrows weren't even because of the swelling.  Her nose looked crooked too.  So off to Trinity Medical Center we went.  

Trinity is a pretty nice hospital.  They have this thing called "immediate bedding" where you walk in and they take you RIGHT to a bed (It was like Kessler my NJ peopes).  We waited about an hour to see the pediatric NP to come down and he was amazing.  He gave her a full neuro and head trauma assessment and since she passed with flying colors we needed no imaging.  He explained everything to her, that her nose was certainly broken but her orbital was fine, despite the raccoon look on the one side.  Luckily she broke it straight on so she shouldn't need to see an ENT, provided nothing else hits her in the face while it heals.

Once that was situated, we had to wait for AAA to come get my keys out of my car.  (Yes I know).  Shout-out to my husband for getting us the "AAA Plus" plan which covers something like 6 lockouts a year.

All in all, the hospital staff was awesome.  From security, who helped watch for AAA while we were discharging, to the nurses, doc and registration.  

Poor kid headed to school this morning, mortified and asking if she can refuse to tell anyone what happened.  At first her teacher was nervous about her being in class and made us see the nurse.  Once we talked to the nurse and someone in the office, everyone agreed she could be in school, provided she skips recess and gym, and goes to nurse immediately if she has a headache, blurred vision, nosebleed, etc.  Good thing I didn't just drop her off. 

It doesn't look too terrible, but it's definitely startling.  And apparently it may get worse before better.

But hey, at least we made it 4 months here before meeting our friendly neighborhood ER staff.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I miss NJ...

OK So I don't miss New Jersey exactly.  I actually miss my amazing health insurance.  #ObamaCareSucks

I had my first meeting with an insurance agent this morning.  Like first ever in my life.  Shocker - we don't qualify for any subsidy because my and Dave's employer offers group coverage.  

"But it's cost is half a paycheck"  

"I understand and unfortunately the calculation only considers the cost of the employees coverage and since you both are  100% covered, you do not qualify for a subsidy for Faith"

My employer offers coverage that we could use for Faith and I, for the low cost of $300/month.  SOUNDS GREAT RIGHT!?!?!  Except that's the bronze plan with super duper deductibles ($4000) and coinsurance (40%).  Thankfully the agent actually explained those things to me since I'd actually NEVER encountered such a thing with NJDirect.  Hospitalizations were always covered 100% after the copay, bloodwork 100%, scripts $3.  I have literally never even known what our deductible was because it really never affected us, except her ambulance ride last year.

When I told the agent this, he knew we were from the Northeast and public sector, because apparently they are the only states with this luxury left.  And even though the guy knew he probably wasn't getting a sale from me, he still walked me through the differences between Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum...and after all of that conversation it seems our best option will end up with each of us on different plans.  Gold or Platinum for the kid, as her asthma usually causes a hospital visit, then follow-ups to tweak meds.  Dave and I are good with Bronze/Silver (ie whatever is free from our employers), and probably a health savings account.

This is one instance where I DO miss NJ.  I miss the simplicity of picking between two awesome options and knowing I don't need to keep a couple grand aside for emergency medical expenses...

Thank you ObamaCare for pulling our subsidy because "group coverage is offered" and for not considering the fact that it's offered at full-boat cost.  The whole thing is kind of a joke for families like us who have always worked to stay covered, even if it meant I worked the overnight at Wawa or the phones for Hilton when Dave wasn't offered affordable coverage or any at all...

If any of my private sector/non-NJ friends are looking for coverage, the agent showed me
This Website
It gives a really good breakdown to understand it all...

This was one of the few times I felt completely lost about the whole stupid process...but we're getting there.

In other news, Dave had his first experience picking the kidlet up via the "Car Riders Line"  He couldn't understand why it always took me so long.  I called him 20 minutes in to check on progress (and make sure he hadn't given anyone the finger) and heard "I've just breached the outer fence...this is *&^%$# ridiculous".  Welcome to my world my love!!!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Nobody works on Fridays...oh wait

It appears to me that no one works in Tampa on Fridays.  I got to work SO quickly that I am now 45 minutes early.  Thank goodness for great break rooms with computers, TV's, couches...if only I was one of those people who could sleep anywhere...

In my short stint of traffic, jamming to some country guy playing live on the radio, I had a "This is my life" moment.  We're not wealthy by any means.  We cross our fingers each time we start a car, hoping it hangs in there.  We use coupons constantly.  We really really are starting to like it here.  Granted, I *did* have to turn on the heat this morning, but if a bit of crappy weather is the worst thing going for us, then I think we're doing alright.

3 more weeks I will be working my 4X10 shift and NOT driving to Tampa every single day.   Soon after that we may have some new adventures to work on.  It's awesome to feel like there's really good stuff just within reach. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Phillies Spring Training

What a DAY!!!!

Today was the day...

As in the day we finally remembered we wanted to get to a Phillies practice before it was over.  It was close, we got there around Noon.  Lucky for us, they were still practicing and there were a bunch of people in Phillies garb watching.  Such a cool experience to be around people who also dig the Phillies.

Faith had her shirt and hat on and was ready to ask for an autograph.  Her first one signature was Larry Bowa!!

Larry Bowa's signature.

After that, she was ready to ask ANYONE.  We got to ask Jimmy Rollins, Ruben Amaro, and another coach guy (no disrespect...I just have no clue.).

Jimmy Rollins signing Faith's hat.

All the players were pretty cool.  Even if they weren't signing, they'd chat with the little old ladies, kids, whoever.

One particularly cool thing was Ben Revere, holding a kids hand and talking to him through the fence on a break.  I don't know if they knew each other but Ben Revere seemed to know just how to talk to the young man, while the mom signed in ASL and the boy tried to communicate with him.  He must have spent about 10 minutes with this kid, asking him "I'm trying to do a good job for I doing alright out there? Are you having a good time?"  Such a sweet moment.

If you've never been to the training facility next to Brighthouse Stadium to watch the Phillies practice, you're missing out.  With four full-sized fields, meeting in the center with a clubhouse, netted bleachers, concessions and just really friendly people, it was worth the 30 minute drive.  Free parking and free entry made it an awesome affordable day!
This was the farthest they were...slide practice.
Dave was a happy guy!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Dear Florida: 
Your state is beautiful. The economy is flourishing. Jobs everywhere. Real estate is on the upswing. Children are smart. But your traffic issues are bordering on inappropriate.  There is no reason Tampa is not covered with signs stating "don't block the box". Actually it should be common sense and yet every friggin intersection is full of cars halfway somewhere, totally screwing up the travel of thousands of people. And nobody honks!!! Lets go people! I honked today, mainly because I still have NJ tags and can get away with it.

I have never spent hours going a few miles...except in NYC, where there's public transportation, so really it's my own dumb fault.  And while I am terrified of public transportation, I would certainly ride a train, bus, subway, trolley, carriage, camel, to NOT sit in traffic for two hours everyday.

In all fairness, most of the counties are actually hiring traffic engineers. So if you know anyone smart enough to figure this crap out, send them south before I cry.  Only 21 more days training in Tampa!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Pompano Beach is beautiful!

This weekend my girl learned how to snorkel like a boss.  She wanted to try it so badly.  Luckily my mom and her guy had their own gear and Faith fit into her Mimi's stuff.  Frank geared up with her and next thing I knew, homegirl was cruising.  The helicopter mom in me was panicking because I knew she was out over her head without a vest (with an avid swimmer...), but she was an expert.  She saw some fish, learned all the hand-signals, learned how to dive down, come up and clear her snorkel...she was hardcore.  

 That's her and Frank in their pre-snorkel safety briefing...or he's just teaching her how to clean her mask with spit...

After a few hours of that, she remembered that she was supposed to teach me to paddleboard.  So we grabbed Mimi and 2 boards and walked a block down where you could paddle board.  For the record, those suckers are HEAVY.  

After a short lesson and me trying like hell to get past the break, I finally stood up!!  It may have only lasted about 1.8 seconds, but I got the paddle in the water, so it's official.  It was a fun little adventure but I was nearly a lobster and my flight was in a few short hours.  We grabbed dinner at JB's on the Beach, packed up the truck and dropped me at the airport.  

This flight wasn't canceled, but the airport was a flipping mess.  I was so grateful for my obsession with being on time.  The lines to check-in, drop luggage and security weaved all around the front of the airport.  Had I checked luggage, I'd have missed my flight (like about 22 other people...).  I can't complain too much, as the flight was exactly 36 minutes.  After finding my car, I was tucked in bed by 11:15pm.  

Tomorrow, I pick Faith and her Mimi up from the same flight.  Hope my girl has a great time with her Mimi and Frank!

JB's on the Beach - Yumma!
Tired and happy girl!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Seriously....we just want to see Mimi.

We just want to get to Fort Lauderdale.

We got to Tampa airport super early for our 0830 flight to Fort Laudedale. All excited, ready to go.  Except when we checked in it said "cancelled, please see agent".
When we got to the desk, the nice woman said "I'm sorry but your flight is cancelled." Ok. Options?? "We have shuttles leaving at 830, or we can refund, or we can rebook for Monday...wait she's not flying alone right", looking at Faith, suddenly panicked.  No ma'am. I will not be sending my 8 year old on a 4 hour bus trip with strangers.

Ugh, and considering this child has been looking forward to this trip for weeks and I'm booked to return tomorrow...looks like we're going for a ride.  I snuck over to the Southwest desk and they very quickly said they were already booked.  I looked at the Silver desk (no clue who that is but they were going to ft lauderdale too) and there were already a few angry people over I signed their little bus trip sheet and sucked it up.

Faith and I enjoyed some $12 airport Burger King breakfast. I tried to score us a meal voucher since I was now stuck with Spirit for 5 hours instead of 1 but the manager was too busy to speak to me.  After another $5 in airport water bottles, we finally loaded our shuttle van. I should say one positive thing, Faith sat next to another little girl and they played babies and animals.  Thank god for small favors.

We finally got into Fort Lauderdale airport at 1:15pm. Mimi picked us right up, fed us and got us right on to the boat for our scheduled play and fishing trip. A short fishing trip yielded a half dozen pretty unknown fish and about 3 massive big boys who were just too big for our lines.  Faith fought one for nearly 10 minutes before we lost it.

We came back in to have dinner at the Beachcomber, right across the street from Mimi's condo.  The place was gorgeous, the food and ambiance amazing...although the meal took about 2+hours.  After 4 hours in a van, I was pretty much done.  After an awesome desert of deep fried banana cheesecake and apple turnover, I practically begged for us to go back to the condo.  Saturday night.  Happening place.  But we were exhausted.

I'm so grateful that Faith can stay until Tuesday night. She needed this time. I did too, but she really did.

I'm scheduled to go home tomorrow night.  Pray they don't cancel because I have my first day of work about 10hours after my flights arrival...

#wetookthelongway #missedmymommy #wheresmyhusband

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Warning - Tears ahead

This morning, Faith and I were going over her valentines to make sure she didn't miss anyone, when she asked if she could make something special for a boy.  " you have a crush on this boy?"  

"No mommy...he has leukemia cancer and hasn't been to school in a couple weeks.  I feel bad because he can't have friends over or swim in the pool or come to school or go ride his bike.  He's gotta sit in the hospital or his house.  I mean, I know he'll be fine in a couple months but I just want to give him something special."

The part that made me get emotional, MORE than her wanting to do something nice, was the fact that she knows he'll be fine in a while but it's probably hard now.  Whether or not that happens, she sees cancer so differently than I used to.  She's watched her aunt fight, be 'a little' sick, not be able to hug for a bit and miss some things....but "Aunt was fine he'll be fine, he'll just be a little sick like her."

Well, it was more than 'a little sick' but the thought that that is what Faith remembers and just mind-blowing.  

Cancer meant something so different to me when I was young...but for her, all she sees is a crappy time, followed by some so-so time, and then back to normal.  Apparently her Aunt made that look easy.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Run, twerk, run

Last week, I came across some super fun 'workout' videos a woman had done for a dance fitness class she ran.  They were to my favorite hip hop songs so I gave them a shot.  If you're looking for super fun dance workouts, check her out: Dance Fitness With Jessica.  This girl is about to blow up on the workout scene.  The only part that makes me sad...I don't think you're allowed to use other peoples songs to make it will probably be all original songs when she makes her DVD.  But I guess it's not all about me.

How effective was run, twerk, run (RTR=3 dances and 2 miles)...3lbs down in a week.  Not too shabby.  I feel like I should run a disclaimer though.  I have a pulled calf and quad muscle.  So shawty get lo...but maybe stretch first.  Oh and disclaimer number two:  You will NOT look like Shakira...or like she do it in the mirror.  Or at least I didn't.  I looked more like...I was having a seizure.  BUT that is the fun of working out at home alone.  It may not be pretty...but damn if it isn't fun and it works.  

We'll give run, twerk, run another week.  

Monday, February 10, 2014

So begins the church hunt

The child and I tried out a church this weekend.  It's something I've put off doing in the last 6 weeks we've been here because I didn't care for organized religion until I found Shore Fellowship.  As a child I went to CCD and completed my sacraments but I really didn't get it.  And my experiences in church services made me feel like I didn't want to 'get it'.  

However, when I found Shore Fellowship, it was different.  I didn't feel that constant push towards political statements.  I didn't feel like I wasn't wearing the right clothes to walk in the doors.  I didn't feel like people were all looking around to see who was going to walk in late, or with the loud child, or maybe in their work clothes because the just finished their shift.  It was very "come as you are and we're so glad you're here".

Which brings me to Sunday.  We picked this church because it was mega-looking, which typically means there are super engaging kids programs.  My thought is if the kid enjoys church, she'll want to go and that is important to me.  So once I got her situated at the appropriate time, I went into the main worship center to hunt down caffeine.  I found in a beautiful little balcony style cafe, overlooking the worship area.  Awesome.  So I sat with my drink and listened to the worship band sing and play....looking at my watch...20 minutes.  30 minutes. 40 minutes.  Now, I DO enjoy Christian music.  It gets my head and my heart right.  However, after nearly an hour of it, I was done.  

Finally, we're all ready...opening prayer begins with joining hands.  My anxiety level keeps on jumping.  Then walk around and say good morning and shake hands and hugs/kisses.  I was on the verge of hyperventilating.  I'm not a jerk...I just don't like touching strangers or them touching me.  

Then baby dedications.  When the pastor began speaking about each child and praying over them, I thought how nice.  Until he started praying that these children never encounter a liberal person or liberal ideas.  Oh and these children are proof that life begins at conception.  Talk about uncomfortable.  I was brought right back to my issues with my old Catholic church, that a pastor or priest shouldn't just make a statement and call it proof and all should follow along.

How about tolerance, love and all that other Jesus stuff???  I mean seriously?  

By the time he really got into preaching, I was so frustrated and uncomfortable...and then his sermon was about investigating church members being wolves in sheeps clothing and yadda yadda yadda.  I packed it up and sat outside in the sun to wait for the kidlet to be done...

I was absolutely correct about the kids program being huge and happy.  With a rock climbing wall, full kiddie rock band, and friendly support, it worked for Faith.  She had a blast and wants to go back.  It was so hard to explain to her that I can't take her to a church that spouts political statements about fending off a liberal society.  Once I broke it down, 8 year old style, she did get it.  We want to belong to a church that preaches love and tolerance....and doesn't take 2 hours (that makes me sound like an ass...I know).

So...I guess it's back to the drawing board.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ohhh school security

As my northerner friends are dealing with getting their kids out of locked down and evacuated schools, I've been trying to find a tactful way to ask the kids new school why the place is wide open with tons of unsecured access points.  Their classrooms are individual buildings with open doors, no fences and the office in the middle of them. We literally walk past open classrooms to get to the office.  Coming from NJ where you can't show up mid-day without ID, being buzzed in through locked doors, I'm a little surprised.  And when I casually asked the principal about safety procedures, she went over children not being released without ID, etc, etc.  But it looks like I could possibly just bust into a classroom and take whoever I want...

The OCD psycho-mom in me wants to ask to see their emergency plans, lockdown procedures, etc.  But that would probably put me on some sort of crazy parent watch list...

Speaking of lockdowns and crazy parents, I know it is stressful and upsetting when your child is 'locked down' in school.  I KNOW.  Faith once had to evacuate thru the woods in her old school.  I get it.  But we should remind ourselves that between police and the school staff, our kids are as safe as humanly possible.

1. DO NOT FLOOD THE SCHOOL.  Doing so distracts law enforcement from securing the area.  It draws on human resources needed to keep the kids safe.  You want your child and you expect the school to ensure your kid isn't given to anyone else.  Let them do their job.

2. DO NOT SPREAD PANIC.  Support each other, share positive or confirmed information and if you know something super important call the police.

3. DO NOT CALL THE POLICE to ask when your kid will be home.  They are busy.  VERY VERY busy.  Even a mid-size department needs outside support when securing schools and searching areas, etc, all while still responding to motor vehicle accidents, domestic disputes, etc.

4. The Police and Schools will do all they can to ensure your kid is safe.  That may even mean not putting the full-threat info out until after the situation is over.  This is typically to keep everyone safe and catch whoever is responsible.  It's not because they think you're an idiot or even because they think they're better.  It's simple for SAFETY.

5. Hug your kids.  Let them know you were a little nervous but know that everyone would keep them safe.  Or if you think they'll obsess on that, tell them it was a big test for everyone and they did great.  Then hug them again.

Finally, I still can't figure which is scarier.  A district like Hamilton, that locks down and evacuates maybe twice a year, or a district like Pasco, whose idea of lockdown is literally locking 4 access doors per classroom.  (They haven't drilled it yet in the month we've been here.).

Monday, February 3, 2014

It's hard meeting new friends

That's what my daughter told me last week as she cried in her bed.  She was missing her cousins, her bff's, her mimi, heck even her teacher.  We chatted about how it was ok to miss someone and to try to talk to them but we need to find new friends to play with here. "Well you're not trying to find friends mommy."

Point taken.  This weekend, we tried some family time at the pool.  It was impossible to relax with a power washer and leaf blower going non-stop (every Saturday for the next two months...) and the water was a little cold and a little dirty for me and Dave.  So we came home.  I asked Faith if she wanted me to bring some of her little girl friends to the pool (getting me off the hook to swim!), but I'd have to go meet and ask their parents.  Maybe mommy would meet a friend and we'd get to know some parents.

Her first friends mom was pretty nice.  The younger brother came running out wearing nothing but superman underwear and she didn't freak out.  So she seemed pretty cool, but busy.  Then on to the next house where two more of her little friends lived.  There was no mom...just a pop-pop, 6 kids including a newborn and two others in foster care.  The girls told me all of this on the 30 second walk over.  Pop-pop was very kind, asked me if I was sure I wanted to take them to the pool, because they'd been told they weren't allowed to use it because of fines for leaving bikes in the yard, trash cans at the curb, etc.  Lucky for me, I am allowed 5 guests, so we were good to go.  My poor kid was probably praying "Dear God do not let an old lady tell my mom the kids aren't allowed...and if she does please don't let my mom use curse words."

So I took 4 pre-teens to the pool (that was 70 degrees) and they played even while following all the silly rules (no running, no jumping, no horseplay, no yelling, etc etc etc).  The pool cleaner even let them go in the hot tub since they were being so polite and sweet.  

Of course peace doesn't last too long.  A few boys their age came in with their dad.  Another Yankee, transplant from Manhattan.  "After I almost got extinguished on 9/11 I decided to do something more quiet."  Literally his second sentence after "Hi my name is".  I couldn't tell if it was an attempt at a pickup or just the blunt northern style...

We all hung out for about an hour, watching the kids, talking about technology (really this guy was an odd-duck).  I collected all the children and deposited them back to their homes in one piece.  I was pretty proud of myself.  I'm not typically the kid-collecting type mom but if this kids going to have any friends, it looks like I may have to be...

As for me, I still haven't really made any new friends.  Mr. Manhattan was nice but he's a dude.  I just have to keep getting out and trying I suppose...

Monday, January 27, 2014

Our new reality

After a busy week of homework, appointments, interview and job applications, we spent Saturday at Fort DeSoto Park.  For my Yankee's, beaches are at parks and fishing piers are called boardwalks.  Very confusing.  No beach tags...but you have to pay to enter/park.  $5 was worth the day.  An hour at the dog park to wear the pup down.  He met tons of other shepherds, a pair of mastiffs, a fat old grumpy beagle, and a bluetick coonhound who really wanted to get to know Mack better.

We saw one dog muzzled.  Her owner said she has so many siblings at home that she tries to dominate at the park too.  We might consider that for Tasha, as her fear aggression is a little too unpredictable for dog parks.  The kid and I are working with her, trying to walk her a bit each day to get her socialized some more so she can join us on our family outings.

After the dog park, we *thought* Mack would be tired and just chill on the dog beach.  Then he met Poppy.  Poppy, despite his name, is a 6 month old poodle pup who was off-leash and being chased by a nice older man.  Poppy was nipping Mack's feet and playing chase in the ocean for about 30 minutes until Mack finally gave up and walked away.  

I still can't believe I live here...

A great day.

Hopefully I can get some work going here soon.  Then we can start exploring places like Lego Land, Disney, Busch Gardens...

Friday, January 24, 2014

8 year old girls are NOT nice

After getting her shot before school today, I figured the Kidlet could go play as soon as she got home from school.  Chores be darned.  She went to J's to work on some math homework and play and returned pretty darn quickly.  "J threw me out of her house".  Ummm ok?  "I can't be her friend anymore because I am M's friend too and she said I had to pick and since M said I could be friends with everyone, I picked her so J said I couldn't be in her house anymore"

What in the WHAT??

This is the same child who had Kidlet asking me if she was supposed to wear panties with leggings because they show panty-lines.  I reminded her she is 8 years old and has no concerns about panty lines.  They make a fix for that and it doesn't come in child-sizes. (Odd fact though...Someone actually does make child size thongs...and its gross).  

God help me.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Shot Debacle is Solved TOO!!!!!

As annoying as it is for my friends to the north, I must share today's "Florida is SO much better than NJ" story:

In preparation to move, I had requested the kid's shot records from her pediatrician.  Dr. G's office gave me a shot sheet swearing she was missing her entire round of 4-year old shots.  Now I'm flighty, but I wouldn't miss this...nor would her school allow her in without her vaccines. 

Luckily the school is not full of idiots and they have her records.  We had everything we needed, squared away for first day of school except Florida wants kids to have 2 varicella shots instead of 1 (this further supports my thoughts that we shouldn't be vaccinating for chicken pox until child-bearing age if at all because we're all guessing at when a booster is needed...but what do I know...the kids gotta go to school).  After talking to insurance company ("We don't have providers in FL") and Walgreens ("We don't take NJ ins in FL but we do take NJ ins in NJ...otherwise $149") I finally called the county Health Department...fully expecting to be referred back to my insurance.


Do I need to bring income information? NOPE, Free for ALL KIDS REGARDLESS of income.

So I figure this is like once a month...5 year waiting list because this is AMAZING...oh no, 5 days a week, just come on in.  "Bring a birth certificate and shot list if you have it, if not we'll research it."

I was literally on the verge of spending our grocery money on a $149 vaccine so she could stay in school...and now we just walk in.  Now THAT is how you keep kids healthy and schools compliant.  Are you paying attention Dr. G and you're lazy office staff????

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sunburn and January

So I supposed there are worse things that could happen in January.  Slipping on ice.  Being snowed in on a highway.  Losing power in 9 degrees. I, instead got sunburn.  On my forehead (or I haven't heard that joke 73 times).  And then the itching started.  Not sunburn itching but the hives itching.  


I didn't expect my allergic reaction to the sun to go away.  I just didn't expect it to happen in January.  #FloridaProblems #NotTryingToGloat #CasperGotProblems

And so now I go back to researching a plan my dermatologist wanted me to try a few years ago.  I refused then because 1. It's not hard to avoid the sun in NJ and 2. Not a fan of tanning beds.  But I'm going to try her slow-exposure plan, minus the tanning beds, to see if I can eventually go to the beach without long-sleeves, umbrellas and SPF 100.

We shall see...

In other weird news, I just did a recorded interview with an app on my kid's iPad.  The app is called HireVue and it's pretty awesome.  It's possible this kind of interview made me more nervous than a face to face live one.  I had 30 seconds to read a question and 3 minutes to record my answer (no do-overs).  I think I did alright, but we will see...

And just because...

THIS is how I got sunburned:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

This kid can run...

The kidlet had her very first Fun Run today, courtesy of the crowd at #Boosterthon.  It was pretty stinkin cute.  The setup was unlike anything I'd expected:
Between the team at the school the past week and a half, the prizes and the setup, the kids were SUPER excited for the run.  There were a few children who seemed pretty uninterested.  It reminded me of the pit I got in my stomach every time it was fit-testing time.  I wasn't overweight as a kid but was not comfortable in my skin and hated running.  I saw that in a few kids.  "Please God don't let them single me out....please just let them let me walk".  And those kids did walk, with teachers and friends holding their hands and cheering them on each lap.

These kids did 35 laps.  The race track was smaller than I imagined but worked to keep the kids motivated.  Every child I saw had 35 laps marked off on their shoulder bags by the end.  The kidlet had a great time, though sweaty and tired by the end of the 2 miles!

I was so lucky to be able to be there for her.  Maybe a dozen parents were there.  I did my best to cheer on all the kids, slap their high fives, etc without being that creepy parent (everyone knows what I mean).

Really starting to feel at home here.  Now I need to find a job...Maybe I can work with Boosterthon.  Those guys literally run around, sing and dance all day.  Jelly.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Traumatized...but it's over

There is something so traumatic about having your possessions held hostage.  Things that may not be worth much to others.  Blankets people hand knit for your children.  Your daughters stuffed moose piggy bank from Alaska.  Your mismatched silverware someone gave you years ago.  Binders of projects, certificates, plans that you, your spouse or child created over the years.  Your second hand couch, ottoman that matches the only comfy chair you own.  And your child's 21in old school tube TV. 

Last week, our movers told us we owed them more money, and when they arrived to unload (after we waited TEN DAYS) they said it was cash only.  I don't know about you, but we don't typically have a thousand dollars just lying around the house.  As I ran around, trying to figure out if they could do this, scrambling to get this cash for them, I came home with the cash to find they'd left...with half our stuff. 

After hours of trying to get in touch with them, the broker, anyone who would listen, we called the only people we could think of...the police.  After explaining the situation to the dispatcher, an officer arrived and asked us to explain it again.  He stated it technically was a civil matter until we documented attempts to resolve the situation and they refused.  He also shared that he'd gone through the very same thing when moving here from the US Virgin Islands.  His stuff was held for TWO MONTHS!!!  He said he wore the same 4 outfits, got a microwave and dishes from Goodwill and waited...because what else can you do??

The driver called the next day and said he'd be bringing our stuff if we had his money.  The broker had told us earlier, we had the right to ask for documentation on the additional charges, but at this point, we realized it wouldn't matter.  Several hours later, our stuff arrived on a different truck with different drivers.  The kidlet stopped being a weepy mess.  The husband and I stopped scowling at each other.  Even the dogs seemed calmer.  Hubby and I want to sue the pants off these people...but would that do anything except keep us angry??

I think I finally understand the moving industry.

First, you have the good companies who move executives and military families, but only if they can pay the big bucks.  You get your things into one truck, and within a week, out of the very same truck.

Then you have what my mom has coined "moving pirates".  They have your stuff and they only live by the moving pirates code of "Pay what I say or I'm keeping your shit".  They swap your stuff several times throughout it's trip, passing it off to the cheapest person of the day and they don't have to show you anything because if you want your things, you'll pay what they say.

As I told my husband last night, we are NOT moving again until it is into THE big house of our dreams.  I'm done.  This house is beautiful with our things in it and while I'd like a third bedroom, house guests will have to settle for a futon or air mattress.  It's still cheaper than the Marriott. 

It's finally time to enjoy this new life!!!

And now your gift for reading:  The Kidlet reading to therapy pups...really was therapy for her and the dog!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

We're at Yoga

So after years of making fun of my hipster friends for doing Yoga during their lunch break, my kidlet saw "Free Fun Yoga" at our local library and BEGGED to do it.  Of course she asked after telling me about her first day of school being a mess because she spilled orange juice in her hair and on her pants during lunch.

Obviously I can't say no to the face of a child traumatized by sticky hair and what looks like pee-pants. 

So here I sit at the library, job-hunting and trying to think of witty things to blog about while she does Yoga.

In other news, the school has started pumping families for money on our very first day!  Here is my shameless plug...follow the link below to give Faith a pledge.  She's hoping to run two miles, which is 32 don't pledge all crazy like.  Remember, she ran a 5K last summer.

Pledge Money Here

And our final Super Awesome Re-Lo update...If my furniture isn't home by Friday morning, I'm going to report it stolen.  At this point its the only logical end to a completely ILLOGICAL situation.  I wish I had more energy to be angry...but then again my family doesn't deserve any more frustration brought on by the IDIOTS of Light Express VanLines of Union County...instead I will get my furniture and then blast them all over the law-abiding friends say it's only slander and libel if it's not true!

*PRAY my furniture comes soon or this blog is going to totally suck!*

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

First Day of School and Other Re-lo Woes

Dropped the kidlet off to her first day of school in Florida.  As a Jersey Girl, she needed to make sure her outfit was hip without looking like she tried to hard...
Of course no buses at this "A+ School" because everyone wants to be there and therefor will have no problem driving their little princes and princesses.  So I had my first experience with "The Car Loop".  The car loop comes with many rules...2 typewritten pages to be exact.  Along with a map, 5 crossing guards to enter and a sheriff's officer to oversee.  As we pulled up we heard someone speaking over a loudspeaker.  But it was 31 degrees out (coldest day in like 7 years...go figure).  I cracked the window to hear someone's car was being towed (@#$%) and the next announcement threw both the kidlet and I for a loop:
"Students and teachers, if you see someone without the appropriate winter coat, please contact the clinic for outerwear for the student"
Oh that's's Florida, these poor kids don't get a new parka around Halloween every year.  I felt horrible.  We had tons of winter coats at our old house that we eventually donated.  We only brought 1 here. 
I asked the woman opening my car door (because "the child will NOT exit the vehicle until a staff member opens the vehicle door") if they need heavy hooded sweatshirts, because we literally have dozens.  She said a few teachers had hit up a store this morning and bought a dozen coats and they should be ok.

I totally wouldn't have thought of that....

And the irony is not lost on me that since we've re-lo'ed (as the locals from somewhere else call it) we have had exactly 2 days with no monsoon and no frigid temps...10 days, 2 nice.  Well played mother nature.

Finally, we're fairly certain our furniture and things will be here Thursday...only 10 days late.  Pray everything gets here in one piece or I will be having my first contact with the Sheriff's Dept, probably getting arrested for assaulting a giant man.